Sunday, March 12, 2006

summer to be

Today is March 12, 06' and i am so excited about the summer that aproaches. I speak of summer because the weather this past weekend was amazing summer weather. Friends and I packed coolers and spent the weekend under the sun at Folly Beach. I am sun burned. We watched a surfing competition all Saturday. Each flight of ~5 surfers had 20 minutes to wow the judges and spectators. The Talking Heads and The Cure played over the speakers as we watched, talked about good times, threw football, made drinks, and talked about future plans. Saturday night we had dinner and drinks @ Poes on Sullivans Island. Incredible burgers! We spent the late night @ the Rooftop Bar at Vendue Inn.

Wilco @ the North Charleston Performing Arts Center:
The show was amazing. I got to see the band from 2nd row pit seats. It was amazing listening to the songs and being able to read Jeff Tweedy's lips as he sang the songs. The playlist was great. Tweedys got a full beard now and it is nasty and great as well. He was really happy on stage. He didn't make a single left winged or negative comment. He smiled and even danced to "Hummingbird". A few songs were played that i had never heard, and they played a few songs from "Being There" which was nice. These guys are all about the music. This show had no props; no backdrops. This was my third Wilco show and I definitely will see them many more times.
Atlanta, GA 9/23/04
Charlotte, NC 2/21/05
Charleston, SC 3/08/06

This afternoon at the beach i decided i would do a good bit of reading this summer. So i made a booklist for myself to accomplish by the end of the summer. I am not a reader in general. I have always wanted to be, but when it all comes down to reading a book, i always choose the easy way out; watching the movie. Living in Charleston, I figure i should read some of the great books that have been written about this beautiful part of the world, so I plan to read atleast two books by Pat Conroy. I am pretty good at achieving goals if i just take the time to set them, so here is my list.

Summer 06' Reading List:
"The Lords of Discipline" Pat Conroy
"One Hundred Years of Solitude" Gabriel Garcia Marquez
"The Dharma Bums" Jack Kerouac
"East of Eden" John Steinbeck
"Undaunted Courage" Stephen Ambrose
"Into The Wild" Jon Krakaur
"The Alchemist" Paulo Coelho
"Beach Music" Pat Conroy
"Through Painted Deserts" Donald Miller
"Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" Robert M. Pirsig


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